Hello! Below is a sample of some of my professional, academic, and personal projects.
Please feel free to contact me via LinkedIn with any comments, questions, or interests in collaboration you might have!
Reclaiming the Road: Reshaping Transportation in Playa Vista, 2017
Capstone Applied Planning Research Project for Master of Urban and Regional Planning, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs
This project is a proposal to connect Playa Vista, a development rapidly increasing in housing and employment density, to existing and upcoming light rail lines. Land use in Playa Vista is increasing in density, but a plan to connect Playa Vista to bus rapid transit along Lincoln and Sepulveda Boulevards is not scheduled to be implemented until 2047. This proposal uses existing road infrastructure and other enhancements that do not require road reconstruction to create a transit oriented region through enhanced bus service.
This plan recommends when feasible a road diet to restripe roads and create dedicated bus lanes. It also recommends installing off-board fare payment and real time signage at all bus stops and bus signal priority at each intersection.
As congestion increases in Playa Vista the existence of fast bus travel may be more appealing than driving alone to commuters and residents. The effect is improved passenger service and access without the need to expand existing road width.
San Rafael Improvement Plan
A proposal to increase desnity in parts of downtown San Rafael near a new transit station using the framework of form-based codes. [Link.]
With UCLA Master of Urban and Regional Planning Students Shikha Jain, Mike Janusek, and Chris Marks.
Lincoln Corridor Utility Box Art, 2016
Utility box artwork designed for/with the City of Santa Monica
Visualizing Bus Ridership in Los Angeles and Santa Monica
Additional work can be found in the Santa Monica Downtown Community Plan (warning: large file)
Buy a print here:
Santa Monica Downtown Community Plan: The Future of Mobility Workshop Timeline, October 2016
Created for the City of Santa Monica
Santa Monica Downtown Community Plan: Preservation and Change Workshop Boards, August 2016
Spatial Inequalities of Rapid Transit in Los Angeles, 2016
These are the first maps I created using ArcGIS*.
Urban Humanities in the Borderlands: Engaged Scholarship from Mexico City to Los Angeles | Select Chapters, 2016
SEEKING LITERARY JUSTICE: La Caja Mágica in Boyle Heights
(warning: large document)
Above: William Davis interacting with La Caja Magica, a "magic box" created by a UHI multidisciplinary team for a multi-lingual children's reading hour hosted by Libros Schmibros in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles. More information on La Caja Magica can be found at UCLA Urban Humanities and Boom California. Additional information on Equiparte: Las Tarjetas Filtran Sabidurías Locales can be found on the Equiparte website.
Urban Humanities: Transportation, experiencE and Identity
These joint projects seek to address the varied and shared experiences created by transportation mode choice and socio-spatial access in and around La Placita and Olivera Street, the historic heart of Los Angeles.
With: UCLA Masters Architecture students, Jeanette Mundy and Benjamin Kolder, and PhD Candidate in History, Peter Chesney.
NYC Housing MAP, 2014
Articles: New York Post and reForm
Revaluate's list of The Best New York City Maps of 2014
"We wanted to reconsider the commonly cited statistic that NYC housing prices average $1,200 per square foot," says Constantine Valhouli [of NeighborhoodX] of his inspiration for the project. "We felt that it wasn't a monolithic market, and if people were open to considering different neighborhoods and under-the-radar neighborhoods, then there were pockets of surprising value within a short commute to Manhattan. " By and large, prices do tend to decline as commute times increase, and there are still parts of Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx where homes can be found for less than $200 per square foot. And if you're dead-set on staying in Manhattan on a budget? Head uptown—Washington Heights and Inwood claimed top honors as the borough's most affordable areas for buyers." - BrickUnderground
Kinetic Reflections, 2014
Boston, Massachusetts
A multi-disciplinary proposal for the Illuminus Boston Festival occurring October 25, 2014.
I worked with the project team to develop a successful project proposal to create an interactive urban intervention as part of a large scale nighttime art event that engages visitors through innovative and technology-oriented visualization.
String Theory, 2010
Leeds, United Kingdom
A reexamination of Fisher-Crane's proposal for 36 The Calls, reimagining their original intent as a suspended bridge structure that integrated the street- and waterscapes of Leeds as part of an urban waterfront renewal program.
With: Olesia Kruglov
Network][Flow, 2012
Jakarta, Indonesia
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Architecture - A thesis project submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Architecture.
Jakarta is facing a wide range of issues, many of which are tied to the dual problems of waste and water management. This theoretical project proposes using a strategy that includes bioremediation and remote sensing in conjunction with social media and crowdsourcing to address these issues.
*All maps below this were created using Illustrator, Photoshop, Sketchup, Rhino, and/or VRay.